My Headlines

Friday, January 28, 2011


MadBalls MADCAST # 10    HOLY SHIT!!! People we need to look at whats goin on over our borders in Mexico!!! I just read an article about a Mexican town where 38 police officers including the Police chief just quit there jobs!!!  They have been dealing with these Fuckin Drug Cartels repeatedly attacking their police station with Heavy Machine gun fire and grenades!!! NOW THATS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT!!!! Then 2-3 of their fellow officers were kidnapped and days later were found DECAPITATED!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah thats right "NO MO HEAD"!! So it makes me a little worried because that SHIT is Happening right on our borders and shit!!! I mean Fuck their over there just Hackin people to pieces and blowin up buildings and just doin whatever the fuck trips these guys triggers!! I just keep waitin for them to say that they came over and started to kidnap Americans!! HOLY SHIT!!!  Oh yeah and they still haven't found the 3rd officer!! I would fuckin quit too!! They better get their shit together and quick before this gets out of control...not that it hasn't already, I mean people are getting Hacked up with machetes and gunned down all over Mexico because of these Cartel FUCKS!!!  WOW!!! We need to look around at some of this shit thats happening outside of our borders!  LATER SUCKAS!!!!!

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