My Headlines

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Walk Like An Egyptian??? Maybe Not??

Madballs MADCAST # 11   Yeah you Sick Fuckers!! Still readin My shit thanx alot! Tryin to stay up on things!! And I will come hell or high water have and audio cast up this week even if I have to record it by myself.  Hopefully not, the weather has been holdin things up a little. But That Doesn't mean i'm not gonna put my annoying voice out there for all you to hear! So on with the topic at hand... Egypt,  craziness has been goin on over there for about a week or so now and it came out of nowhere really! None of those fuckers saw it coming!!  The other strange thing is that the police force was out there for quite a while fighting back the hordes of these pissed off motherfuckers!! Then all the sudden they just up and leave and thats when the real rioting started!! People looting, robbing people and also a group of the craziest bitches went to four separate prisons and broke thousands of inmates and militants out of jail!!! WHAT THE FUCK!! Things went from protest to just straight up rioting!! Then between the military and police officials they rounded up about 2000 inmates and seem to have gotten it to a small rumble!! But the true question is how long is Mubarak gonna stick this out before he throws in this fuckin towel!! Better make it quick so you get your life to live!! Otherwise one of these crazy ass motherfuckers is gonna run up in that bitch kidnap you and your whole family and hold your asses ransom!! I'm ust sayin Mubarak....Homie.....GET THE FUCK OUT WHILE THE GETTINGS GOOD DUDE!!!!     Good Shit Everybody!!!   Thanx    LATER SUCKAS!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree get out while you have a head on your shoulders.
