My Headlines

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MadBall's Inquiry Of The Week??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?

Hello and Welcome to MadBall's Inquiry of The Week!!!! I'm gonna try something so that I can get some feedback from you turds!!  Once a week I'm gonna make a post containing a question, Inquiry and /or Opinion on a topic,  I would like to see the variety of different answers from all of my crazy ass friends, followers or just random assholes who need to voice their opinion!  Soooo..... Here We GO!! First Question of the Week and please explain your answer so that others reading might better understand your position on the subject..
          1. Do You Fight To Live??   OR   Do You Live To Die??

                                                                                                                               LATER SUCKAS!!!

1 comment:

  1. I fight to live. I want to live forever and I don't mean vampire glitter shit, and I'm not afraid of death, and I know I'll watch all my love ones die but I'll make new ones. Guess I'm greedy?!
