My Headlines

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Law En"Farce"ment????

Exciting!!! Podcast is so close to up and running!! MadBall's MADCAST # 4 But back to the subject at hand...So to all of us Lawbreakers out there and by that I mean most of the average people we see on a day to day basis?? I was driving back from Maryland this afternoon and  I'm abiding all the traffic laws and such. As I'm cruising along a cop pulls onto the highway behind me and basically pushes my Ass for about 6 miles, now I say PUSH because this guy was on my Ass the whole time and I mean I could barely see his headlights!!! WTF!!! I mean for Fuck Sake he couldn't just go around me!!! Why is it that those of us who do our jobs..WORK HARD...PAY BILLS & TAXES, ABIDE THE LAW AND YET EVERYTIME I GET A COP BEHIND ME I GET NERVOUS AND PARANOID MAKING SURE I DON'T FUCK ANYTHING UP FOR FEAR I'LL GET FINED FOR IT!!!!! And I know theres alot of you out there that get the same way!! Now I have a few friends that are cops so don't take this as I Hate Cops thats not it... I hate that there are so many laws that if you Fuckin Fart sideways your Ass is goin to Fuckin County lockup! I just want to get in my car and not have to worry if I have enough money set back for a 100 dollar fine that I wasn't prepared for or needed and further more its not teaching most of us anything either! We just keep makin more money to cover for all THE UNEXPECTED BULLSHIT!!! Which in turn is more of my money that is going back to the government so that they can go and pave that stretch of highway that they paved last year and is exactly where that Son Of Bitch pulled your Ass over!! HAHAHAHA  Fun Fun!!  Thanx for reading this tangent and Get Ready For Some Real FUCKIN FUN!!!

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