My Headlines

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stupidity Is Buy 1 Get 1 Free!!!!!!!

Hello Hello!! Here's post # 2 from Madballs MADCAST! I'm tryin to stay busy on here until the podcast is flowin!! HOLY SHIT! So Idk if it's cause it's Monday or maybe the idiots are following me around but dammit!! I was drivin back from upstate P.A. and cruisin along I watched this fucktard in front of me which I mind you is busy chit chattin on his fuckin cell to realize he's about to hit a parked car!! And stupid is as stupid does thanx Forrest Gump cause this dumbass smashes right into that bitch!!! Hahahaha Later Sucka!!!  But Wait theres more!!! lol  After all that I finally get back into town, pressed for time I leave the gas station following this government plated vehicle and of course this douche bag is like the "Double Shot" of  dumbass!! He is so busy talkin to his bro that he doesn't realize that the fuckin red light he's slowin down for is a mother fuckin GREEN LIGHT!!!!! LIKE HOLY SHIT DUDE SERIOUSLY, I'm back here just fuckin wavin and slammin my horn and my veins in my neck were ready to kick this dudes ass!! He then figures out why i'm pissed and he speeds up!! Like I said It's a BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL ON IDIOTS!!   Thanx Everyone and keep stoppin back we are workin hard to get this Beast rollin!!   Thanx  Later Suckas!! Madball

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